Parra The Beautiful.
With the onset of the monsoons, conditions were just right for this setting last month in Parra, my ancestral village in Goa. My father was born here and our last name derives from it. (It is also the home of the late Manohar Parrikar, who served as Goa‘s Chief Minister and later as India’s Defense Minister.)
Note that these are very old structures and sometimes the horizontal and vertical lines don’t come together at a perfect 90º. This makes leveling the photo somewhat tricky.
See this post from 2021 and the included video.

St. Anne Church (1649)
5DS, 100-400L IS II

Parra the Beautiful
5DS, 24-70L f/2.8 II
Beautiful snapshots as always.
See the lush green.
You will see it no more
Thanks, Roland-bab.