Birth of Krishna.
Janmashtami will be observed tomorrow.
Verse and translation provided by Dr. V.N. Muthukumar:
Śrīmad Bhāgavata 10.13.11
बिभ्रद्वेणुं जठरपटयोः शृङ्गवेत्रे च कक्षे
वामे पाणौ मसृणकबळं तत्फलान्यङ्गुलीषु ।
तिष्ठन्मध्ये स्वपरिसुहृदो हासयन्नर्मभिः स्वै:
स्वर्गे लोके मिषति बुभुजे यज्ञभुग्बालकेलिः ॥A flute stuck between His waist-garment and stomach,
a blow-horn and stick tucked on the left,
a ball of rice in His hand with
other delicacies tucked between the fingers,
sitting amidst His friends, His jokes making them laugh;
Kṛṣṅa – The One who accepts offerings in yajñas –
enjoys sporting with His friends,
as the devas in svarga
look on unblinkingly with wonder.
वामे पाणौ मसृणकबळं तत्फलान्यङ्गुलीषु ।
तिष्ठन्मध्ये स्वपरिसुहृदो हासयन्नर्मभिः स्वै:
स्वर्गे लोके मिषति बुभुजे यज्ञभुग्बालकेलिः ॥
a blow-horn and stick tucked on the left,
a ball of rice in His hand with
other delicacies tucked between the fingers,
sitting amidst His friends, His jokes making them laugh;
Kṛṣṅa – The One who accepts offerings in yajñas –
enjoys sporting with His friends,
as the devas in svarga
look on unblinkingly with wonder.
The moorthi of Krishna below, made from the wood of the Tulsi tree, was photographed at the Devaki-Krishna temple in Mashel, Goa.

Baby Krishna
5D Mark III, Zeiss ZE 50 f/2 MP
The vibrancy of the colors, esp. the deep, rich purple, bring joy to the eye.
Thank you, Bob. It is am image taken 10 years ago which I re-processed with current processing tools.
Happy Janmashtami! I compared this with the earlier photograph and see that the purple is more vibrant. There could be more, but most likely the JPEG, web and WordPress are suppressing them.
I replaced the earlier photos with the latest version even before I made this post. So unless you somehow saw the older version you may have been looking at the same image.