Magic of the season.
‘Tis the time of the year of days crisp and cold here in Iceland. From late November until the beginning of February, the sun stays low over the southern horizon. A clear day often favours conditions that are ripe for sublime light and long, enchanting twilight hours.

Moonrise at Móskarðshnjúkar
5DS, 100-400L IS II

Winter’s twilight in Reykjavík
5DS, 70-200L f/2.8 IS II

Walking the dog – Geldinganes
5DS, 100-400L IS II

5DS, 70-200L f/2.8 IS II
Beauty of twilight! Delicate shades of light from the land of ice !
My friend, to me this looks to be a magical place! It would suit me fine!
Curt and Bob – thank you.
Perlan is my overall favorite. Right out of Scifi movie. Nice work, Rajan.
You’ve beautifully captured the phenomena that renders this brutal environment in a soft coziness that is soothing and warm.