A brand new spectacle in town.
A fissure opened up in Meradalir, Reykjanes earlier today, not far from the 2021 eruption site, shooting up fountains of fiery lava. We made a quick flight before the airspace was closed down.
These are quick rushes of the first moments of the eruption. In the days to come I will do a proper post. The Icelandic Coast Guard helicopters are seen in some of the images.
Raw video footage is attached below the stills.

Eruption 2022 in Reykjanes – first moments
5DS, 70-200L f/2.8 IS II & 24-70L f/2.8 II
NO WORDS…!!! Thank you
Good to hear from you.
Achutha, Dan, Mohandas, and Jackson – thank you.
Amazing work, Rajan!
Thank you, Jackson.
Beautiful photography
Just saw this on the news Rajan! Spectacular!!!! Mother Nature can get very angry when she wants! Beautiful photography!
Beautiful pictures captured. Great work Rajan.
Hi Rajan, I just stopped by having seen some of your photos of the eruption on LuLa. I’m glad I did, because the ones here and the video add so much to one’s appreciation for earth’s forces. Nicely done!
Thank you, Bob.
Fantastic, marvelous, miraculous. Rajan, first on the scene. I am so jealous. Sitting here in New York City. Your shots are superb. You must be thrilled. Congratulations.
Thanks, Curt. Hope you get your drone to it soon.