Life in the riparian zone.
Soft light, gentle rhythms on River Nerul in Goa.

5DS, 24-70L f/2.8 II

Mining clams
5DS, 100-400L IS II

In search of supper
5DS, 100-400L IS II
The three images above were plucked from the larger scene below.

5DS, 24-70L f/2.8 II
woh! with such beauty you create your photos, Rajan sir. thanks…
beautiful photos of yours.
Very nice! It looks like you’re having a splendid time in Goa.
Yes, Bob, Goa is home and everything else that goes with it.
Q: pic 1 & 4 Is that a passenger boat on the foreground, and if so, what kind of service does it provide? (ferry? tours? charter?)
Nice pics, as usual, brings back Goa memories …
Patrice – they are fishing boats.
Exceptional clarity. Wish I had your talent.
Thanks, Diana-bai.
Rajan, you have captured the quiet, peaceful moments of Goan life beautifully.
Good to hear from you, Shreebhau.