Light Divine.
A memorable sunset last month on Vatnajökull, the largest glacier in Iceland. Such quality and character of light can only be experienced at these high northern (or low southern) latitudes.
The images were taken from a helicopter.
Update: This post is included in the Light in Iceland collection.

Sunset on Vatnajökull
5DS, 24-70L f/2.8 II

Light Divine
5DS, 24-70L f/2.8 II
This is a special photograph as it frames two of Iceland‘s most beloved mountains – Snæfell and Herðubreið (top left corner).

Herðubreið and Snæfell
5DS, 70-200L f/2.8 IS II

Herðubreið in pink
5DS, 70-200L f/2.8 IS II
The last one is by far the most beautiful I ever seen of her! Indeed, divine!
I have to echo the comment by Rahul B Shinkre: mystical wonder is how I describe these glorious photos. I envy you getting that light. It is without equal.
Thank you, Bob. These moments truly provoke what has been called “shuddering before the beautiful.”
Beautiful as usual, Rajan -in fact to be more apt – these have a divine/ spiritual quality to them. Don’t know if it was planned, but well timed as we head into Thanksgiving weekend in the US- A lot to be thankful for in this world !
Rahul-bab: Very nice to hear from you. Happy Thanksgiving to you.