Vita in fenestra.
Images collected over the years.

Turbanator – Mehrangarh, Jodhpur
5D, 24-105L

Leisure – Camurlim, Goa
5D Mark II, Zeiss ZE 50 MP

Pensive – Alfama, Lisbon, Portugal
5D Mark III, 24-105L

Religious business – Odathil Palli Mosque, Kerala
5D, 70-200L f/2.8 IS

Monkey business – Galta Temple, Jaipur
5D, 24-105L

Playful behind bars – Madkai, Goa
5D Mark III, 100-400L IS

Caught in a snowstorm – Norðurfjörður, Iceland
5D Mark III, 24-105L

Makeshift kiosk – Panjim, Goa
5D Mark III, 70-200L f/2.8 IS II

Shadowy – Prime Minister’s Office, Reykjavík, Iceland
Panasonic LX100 II
What Patience, what discipline, sizing the right moment with a sense of humor, diversity, and paradox of the shadowy house of PM in Iceland and the anticipation of excitement when will the volcano explode …..will the ice melt immediately
Its fun
superb window collection. love the monkey and the mehrangarh pic as well as the two goan pics.