The Lighthouse of Iceland.
This artwork, conceived by the Italian artist Claudio Parmiggiani, was installed in 2000 by the City of Reykjavík. It is located on the outskirts of the city in the middle of a volcanic landscape.
Sílogandi is Icelandic for “always aflame” and menningarviti translates to “cultural lighthouse.”

Sílogandi menningarviti
5DS, 100-400L IS II
The Nordic People, Icelanders, Norwegian, Danes Swedes are broad minded and so human. Human rights figure largely and they do make excuses…Iceland could easily give excuses that they are poor and live in a cold desert …However no such excuses they took refugees like when Idi Amin began to be brutal and chased all the Indians.
Thanks Rajanbab
Are you and your wife fluent in Icelandic? I imagine you can get by easily with just English. That is certainly true of scandinavian countries I visited.
Nice pic
Ajit-bab: No, we are not at all fluent in Icelandic. I can read Icelandic well and my pronunciation is good enough to be understood by Icelanders. I can often catch the drift of a conversation by latching on to key words.