Village life in the Goan monsoon.
Goa is enjoying a strong monsoon season this year. These are scenes from 2012. The first image is from Bodiem, the second from Pirna.

5D Mark III, 24-105L

Not backbreaking
5D Mark III, 24-105L
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Thanks, Premanand and Adolofo-bab.
Yes as usual I enjoyed the picture,,,,you know what fascinates me are the hues and shades of green ….then suddenly you see the reds. black and whites of women working….I went to see my Doctor in Margao …from his office on the third floor…the view from his huge window was like a painting of a land scape…a Temple on one side,,,,on the hill side a cross….and then shades of green itis cooling
I like the second lifestyle, not backbreaking…Susegaad! 🙂