Moods of the season.
Eyvindarhólakirkja is in the Eyjafjöll region on the south coast of Iceland.

Eyvindarhólakirkja – late evening
5DS, 100-400L IS II
The historic Reykjahlíðarkirkja, miraculously spared in the 1729 Krafla eruption, is in the north by Mývatn.

Reykjahlíðarkirkja – early morning
Panasonic LX100 II
That first photograph! And on a closer inspection, that second photograph!! 👍🏼
Thanks, Premanand-bab.
Great work, Rajan. I really like the colors in the first, and your choice of composition in both is exceptional.
Thanks, Bob. Both the scenes were a surprise when we came upon them.