Mornin’ in Goa.
A lone fisherman out on the river during sunrise. Mornings such as these bring back memories of my childhood and youth. Check out the video below.
PS: Some have wondered whether this was a pre-determined shoot and if the boatman was modeling for me. The answer is no, this was an entirely candid session or as someone described elsewhere, “a target of opportunity.”

The boatman
DJI Phantom 4

Sunrise on River Nerul, Goa
DJI Phantom 4

DJI Phantom 4
The background score in the following video is the storied Bhairavi rendition by Goa‘s Kesarbai Kerkar. This recording is featured on the Voyager Golden Record aboard the Voyager spacecraft launched by NASA in 1977 as an exemplar of the finest in human cultural expression. Click here for more on Kesarbai and her birthplace.
Until now, I used to see your photos on fb. Was nto aware of the videos until I saw the canacona bliss video. Was happy to hear the background music for this & the canacona video. I turn on inSync channel on TV mostly. Now you are the 2nd source to dive into classical/Raga. Thanks. I would also recommend the top view of Moisal Dam @ PanchaWadi (5 mins from chrchorem).
This is mesmerizing.Your collection is just amazing.
I am not from Goa, but have stayed there for 2 years as a student. I can connect with your thoughts. Your clicks make me nostalgic.
I am from Verem, Goa and these waters are familiar to me. What’s your drone camera setup? How do you hook it up? Can you create a post for it so that we can learn to take photos the aerial way?
Nerul or Sinquerim or Verem nhay, rather a wide creek is last tributary of Mandovi, once a pristine ecosystem abundant in fish and shellfish, supporting vast salt producing MITHAGORS (please do visit salt producer Adv Govind Usno Bhobe, 81 at his Bhobe mansion, Nerul next time) and draining the khazans, now facing a number of ecological issues such as upstream soil erosion, solid waste and sewage discharges – still speaks eloquently in your images – still and dynamic – while traversing the miniature bow shock waves behind the Lilliputian canoe my mind raced back to those days when Aurangzeb’s supply ships from Surat had entered this same channel in November 1683 in order to corner Maratha King Sambhaji (see Italian traveler Nicolai Manucci’s account pasted below). The aerial photography would be a useful reference archive in future as many builders and developers are eying the banks of this waterscape. Surashree Kesarbai adds a heart piercing, nostalgic and divine touch to create a complete 4 D experience in short video. Fully enjoyed this proejct. We are indeed very proud of your visual anthropological contributions to capture the REAL ESSENCE OF WHAT IS GOA.
“There he presented Shah ‘Alam’s letter. It began by requesting that Hakim Niculao, his old servant, should be sent to him. As soon as he arrived they would arrange things to the satisfaction of both sides. Next it stated how, in conformity with the letter of the viceroy sent to the great Aurangzeb, permission was given for the entry into the river of the ships carrying supplies for the army sent against Sambha Jl. Yet the fleet in question had not arrived. Fulfilment of the promise was now requested. The viceroy replied that he would certainly carry out what he had promised, but the route taken must be by the other river, that of Bardes, not by that of Goa. But the envoy persisted in his demand that they wanted to pass through the river of Goa, as had been promised to His Majesty. Finally, the viceroy answered that I would go to His Highness, and that there matters would be settled. During the discussion the king’s fleet, which was at the harbour mouth, continued to advance. When a report of this reached the viceroy, I said to Dom Rodrigo da Costa that now was the time for a display of courage and energy. Therefore, without any delay, the fleet ought to be fired upon. He hurried to the spot, where he found that, by the carelessness of the commandant of Aguada [218], x some five-and-twenty galliots had already entered, and were close to the Fort of the Kings. When he arrived he ordered at once the discharge of three loaded cannon, to intimidate them and cause their retirement. They replied that they were friends, and had come under protection of the viceroy’s promise ; they should there- fore stop firing, as that was not the way to receive friends. When the Aguada fort became aware that the Fort of the Kings declined to allow a passage, it, too, fired several times, in order to prevent the remainder of the fleet which was following from completing its purpose. Thus was Goa saved this time, for without a doubt it would have been lost had the fleet entered. The twenty-five galliots which were already inside took refuge behind the Fort of the Kings in a river which is called Nelur. Here they remained until the receipt of fresh orders from Shah ‘Alam. They plundered along the shore, and carried off any goods and women or girls found there.” (pp. 274-5)
Professor Kamat – thank you for this detailed message. Deeply appreciated.
You have truly mastered photography via drone. I like each, but if I were to hang one on my wall it would be the second one largely because of the serenity it conveys. Beautiful work.
Thank you, Bob. The drone is truly a marvellous addition to the toolbox.