Splendour in the Nevada desert.
The magnificent Red Rocks Wilderness lies a mere 15 miles from the glass & steel kitsch of the Las Vegas Strip. I spent a couple of mornings earlier this month exploring these sandstone cathedrals soaking in the early morning light.

Sunrise on Wilson Cliffs, Nevada
5D Mark III, 70-200L f/2.8 IS II

Morning glow on Mt. Wilson
5D Mark III, Zeiss ZE 50 f/2 MP

Joshua Tree in bloom
5D Mark III, Zeiss ZE 50 f/2 MP
Totally away some….. Kya najara hain
Hello Rajan, For many years I have been reading your “articles on Hindustani classical music”, complete with in-depth explanation of the ragas and their subtleties. I often wonder how an amateur musician could attain such erudite knowledge of music. From last year, I have started savoring your photo blog as well. Mostly I enjoy your presentations of the enchanting beauty of Goa and the accompanying description as well. Keep up the good work.
Beautiful scenery – this is a place i MUST visit one day 🙂