Muse of Knowledge and the Arts.
Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge and Art, is revered as the quintessence of wisdom. Draped in a white saree, symbolising purity and clarity, she holds the veena – the ancient instrument whose strings reverberate with the melody of higher thought and refined intellect.
On today’s auspicious Vijayadashami, she is honoured with special veneration, symbolising the triumph of light over ignorance. This is the day when books, tools of learning, and the instruments of one’s trade are consecrated, in homes and in the workplace, both as a mark of respect and in furtherance of understanding.
In the image below of the exquisite artwork of the Goddess gracing the side wall of the Mahadev Temple in the remote Goan village of Mauxi, we see that timeless truth reflected – a luminous guide for all seekers.

5DS, 24-70L f/2.8 II
पुस्तकंचाक्षहारं मणिवलयमनोज्ञै: पाणिपद्मैर्ददाना ।
कुन्दमुक्ताभिरामा वसतु शशिनिभास्या वाचि वाक्देवता नः ॥
I can see her hands in motion and hear the music she plays.
Thank you, Robert. Glad that her grace speaks through the image.
Beautiful, vibrant colors acknowledge that this Goddess is for the working “man”. Work, knowledge and learning are pathways to life! Super amigo!
Indeed. Thank you, amigo.
Such beauty in such simplicity, Rajan, this image is refinement itself.
It caught my attention the minute I saw it from a distance.
Beautiful. Usually she is sitting on a swan but not in this image.
Yes, indeed, Prof. John-bab. The swan symbolizes purity, wisdom, and discernment, as it is believed to have the ability to separate milk from water, metaphorically representing the ability to discern truth from falsehood.
Rajan. Subh Vijayadashami greetings to all. I listen to Raga Durga sung by Veena Sahasrabuddhe on this day.
Atanu: Vijayadashami greetings to you, too.