The Highlands edition.
Autumn colour isn’t what comes to mind when one thinks of the Icelandic Highlands. But there’s a brief window, usually in September, when the mountain slopes light up as the shrubs of berries turn colour.
The Fall Tales collection.
As the very name of the country boldly states its all :::ICEland…..Then simply to think that there are wonderful colors not only from the flowers but even the water. Rajan may one day get a Nobel Price for being photographically Creative…A real Artist
Good to hear from you, Adolfo-bab.
All the pictures are gems. Congrats!
Good to hear from you, Mervyn-bab.
I like all four, but the final photo is a gem! (Cloning out the distracting grass around the center of image and removal of the odd-colored stones could strengthen it a bit; just a thought.)
Thank you, Bob, for the suggestions.