Fuzzy in a world of sharp.
Some years ago I found myself chauffeuring friends visiting from Goa across Death Valley National Park. A brief stop was made at the iconic Zabriskie Point to allow them the important task of logging in selfies. I wasn’t here for photography but managed to steal a few moments to piddle with the zoom. (Note: Despite the title of the post, the actual action was dynamical zooming.)

Zabriskie Defocussed
5D Mark III, 24-105L

Zabriskie in focus (approx the billionth image of the scene)
5D Mark III, 24-105L
Extremely appealing pastels in these photos. Were you using a ND filter? I ask because it looks like there was a fair amount of light on the scene, and wondered about the exposure you used?
Thank you, Bob. No, I wasn’t using a ND filter. It was very early in the morning and there was a brief window where I could get about a 1 second exposure simply by stopping down to f/16 or f/22.