First dusting of the season.
The site of Úlfljótsvatnskirkja dates back to the settlement era, the current structure was built in 1914.

Úlfljótsvatnskirkja – first dusting
5DS, 24-70L f/2.8 II

5DS, 100-400L IS II

Twilight glow
5DS, 100-400L IS II

‘Action’ shot
By Veena Parrikar, iPhone 7+
Can you give me the exact location of this church,please? I believe that I have seen it on two occasions and fell in love with it. I know it is on a lake, with a cemetary below it, access to the water between the church and cemetery, on what appears to be an abandoned farm.
Thanks you so much.
This is called Ulfljotfvatnsskirkja on lake Iceland. I hope it is ok that I replied.
Haunting beauty. They now send use volcanic vents to steam the water that drives turbines, send electricity to Scotland over cables laid on the seabed. I told a Skandanavian that Skanda was Shiva’s consort. They deny their Semitic roots.
My favorite photo is the second one. It kinda captures the “harsh” autumn climate.
Also in photo nr. 3, you can see in the distance a electric power plant. This is Steingrímsstoð, the last of three hydro plants built in this area.. After WW. 2, Iceland got 30 million dollars from Mr. Marshall in USA. These money were used to build up infrastructure, and industry in Iceland. Roads, farm equipment, harbors, ships, factories and three electric power plants in this area, and this is the last one to be built, 1959. It is “Whooping” 27 MW, which was big in those days.
I love analyzing your photographs. In this post I like the way you have shown the same subject from different perspectives. The last photograph gives us a glimpse as to how the scene would have looked to you. Compare that with the first photograph and we see how you have culled out the essential part and created art from it.
In the twilight photograph I like the way you have meticulously placed the church below the mountains and against the plain background of the water body. Great work!
Premanand-bab, thanks for the discerning remarks. You have caught the bug!