Rajan Parrikar Photo Blog

Angry Birds

Dive-bombed by Arctic terns.

The Oystercatchers in the first two images below were perturbed by my intrusion into their nesting space and registered their displeasure with harried calls. Soon thereafter the nearby colony of Arctic terns sensed my presence, and the reaction was fierce. They set upon me with an intent to draw blood (see the video). Alfred Hitchcock’s classic, The Birds, came to mind on this magnificently eerie afternoon on the beach in Trékyllisvík, a remote bay on Iceland‘s Strandir coast.

The Arctic terns (Kría in Icelandic) fly enormous distances – enormous as in over 22,000 miles one way – to nest in Iceland.

Oyster Catcher in Trékyllisvík, Iceland

Oystercatcher in Trékyllisvík5DS, 100-400L IS II

5DS, 100-400L IS II


The video is shot in 4K and is best seen in full-screen mode.

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