Rajan Parrikar Photo Blog


The Goan way.

The balcão reifies the Goan idea of leisure. Where the matriarchs repair to in the evening for relaxation at the end of the day’s chores. These are now fast fading scenes. Who needs leisure in the Facebook era when you have so many ‘Friends’ to ‘Poke’ and ‘Like’?

Corine Lobo of Oxel, Goa

The Goan balcão: Corine Lobo of Oxel
5D Mark II, Zeiss ZE 100 f/2 MP

Enjoying sundown - in Oxel

Enjoying sundown - in Oxel
5D, 70-200L f/2.8 IS

Dusk in Divar

Dusk in Divar
5D, 24-105L

Window leisure

Window leisure - in Camurlim-Bardez
5D Mark II, Zeiss ZE 50 f/2 MP

Conference - in Madkai

Outdoor conference - in Madkai
5D, 35L

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