Matanhy Saldanha, Minister of Environment and Tourism in the brand new government constituted in Goa this week, passed away today (March 21 in Goa) after suffering a massive heart attack. In Matanhy-bab were joined a keen intellect and a passionate drive for activism. He died as he lived – in service of Goa. I was his pupil at Don Bosco High School in Panjim in the 1970s. In 2007-2008 I was fortunate to work closely under him in the fight against the SEZ (Special Economic Zones) scam wrought by the corrupt and destructive Congress government.

Matanhy Saldanha
5D, 24-105L

Matanhy Saldanha at the December 2007 anti-SEZ rally in Panjim
5D, 24-105L
through out the years I never knew much about sir mathany, but going through this conversation I came to know who sir mathany was. really we lost a great leader, today December the 28 2013 I know who the great sir mathany was. RIP sir RIP. I salute you
Mathany Sir is like Spring,
Who nurtures new green sprouts,
Encourages and leads them,
Whenever they have doubts.
Mathany Sir is like Summer,
Whose sunny temperament
Makes studying a pleasure,
Preventing discontent.
Mathany Sir is like Fall,
With methods crisp and clear,
Lessons of bright colors
And a happy atmosphere.
Mathany Sir is like Winter,
While it’s snowing hard outside,
Keeping students comfortable,
As a warm and helpful guide.
Sir, you do all these things,
With a pleasant attitude;
You “are” a teacher for all seasons,
And you ‘will’ be “our” gratitude!
The best and non corrupt son of Goa the person whom I always admired after Manohar bab. Goa has lost a true son. RPI Mr Saldana
Yes Goa has lost a great leader,we need leaders who really work for the upliftment of our poor people and those who love and die for Goa like Sir Mathany. May God grant him the merited reward, May his values enlighten the mind of our leaders. May the Lord comfort him wife and family member. Sir Mathany you will be remebered always by your Caunsaulikar brothers & Sisters for whom you worked tirelessly.
Hi Rajan,
I was also a student of Matanhy at Don Bosco. May his soul rest in peace!!
Rajan well said… keen intellect and a passionate drive for activism..
An honest man whose contribution would have been invaluable in the fight against corruption that is underway in Goa. His spirit will be much missed. Much work remains and I hope that that we all find the passion to embody the spirit of Mathany within us.
I am reminded of Teddy Kennedy’s words at the 1980 democratic Convention in NY when he said…the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die….we must never let Mathany Saldahna’s dream of a Goa free of corruption die.
i and all around me were very sad to hear of mathany saldanha’s death he was a true goan to the core. in today’s goa there are few like him. when he was elected this time and on the winning side we rejoiced and goa expected great things from him. man proposes and God disposes. may God be with goa in her hour of need. may his soul rest in peace
In Matanhy Saldanha’s passing away, not only Goa but actually India has lost a true environmentalist and a man who never missed a day in his life to bring an improvement to the lives of the weak and people who have no voice to protect themselves from injustice at the hands of corrupt people. I had the privelege of being a Biology student of Matanhy in Don Bosco High School Panjim. During the years from 1978 until 1995 I witnessed Matanhy’s enormous energy to serve and tirelessness to fight wrongdoing and vested interests. Matanhy had been a very dear and trusted friend to my father who worked alongside him in many a social struggle in Goa from as early as 1975. Whilst we remember his family in our prayers, a fitting tribute to Matanhy in the months and years ahead would be a determination to fight in our own small ways the social, political and economic injustices suffered by the weaker sections of the societies we live in, wherever we are on this earth.
Goodbye Matanhy and may God grant you eternal rest and your family the fortitude to accept your absence. xxx Dinesh Lobo
I had the privilege of working alongside Mr. Mathany Saldanha on various issues and at many agitations. Unlike Mathany who sacrificed much personally in his struggle for a better Goa, many have become MLA’s without contributing to the betterment and welfare of society. For some of them it has been a tale from rags to riches. At times I may have disagreed with his views and approach. But nobody can deny the fact that Mathany was a great fighter. Men with the strength, courage and resolve as Mathany Saldanha are few. A fitting tribute to this lion of a man would be for every Goan to strive and salvage what remains of Goa
Apart from being my teacher at Don Bosco’s, my fondest memory of him was of him driving his Maruti 800 one morning in early 2000 when he parked, got off the car and went inside Bhosle’s @ Panjim for morning chai. He was Goa’s tourism minister at that time. I was amazed that he remained the same person when he was a teacher and a minister. A lesson for all of us!!!
Dear God,strange are your ways.unfathommable to human mind.
Perhaps you needed Mathany to rest after leading Goa in so many agitations.Perhaps you wanted Mathany as the number of good souls is dwindling up there as it is happenning here on earth.
Goa will terribly miss the person.Till yesterday he was our hope to save Goa’s forests,rivers and villages.
Perhaps you have already found a equally dedicated and honest soul to replace Mathany in Goa’s political firmament.Hope so.Otherwise Goa will forever mourn this loss,a tragic and untimely parting.
May his soul rest in peace in your eternal Eden.
A sad day for all Goans indeed.Have known him since the his first electoral foray in the seventies. Never failed to inspire those who met him about his unflinching love for Goa and everything Goan. A true Goan patriot,the tallest of them all!
If there was ever a time, when Goa needed him more, then it was now…..but cruel death snatched him away at the most inoppurtune time.
May God give Alina and the family courage to accept andbear this irreparable loss.
May his soul rest in perfect peace!
Dr. Rajanbab has done a great job. Very few people would understand what Matanhy meant for Goa and Goans and our identity.
A long association has ended. I had participated with him in almost all major agitations (1977-99) and I had also campaigned for him and Erasmio Sequira in assembly elections-1984, 1989. Matanhy who did his MA in Political science when we were at old campus is no more. he used to join us when we organized meetings at GU against apartheid and for release of Mandela. He helped us in getting Mother Tereza to visit our old campus. He opposed the backdoor sale of GU land to private corporates. He stood by us when we as student leaders demanded a separate Goa University (1977). He campaigned to get Konkani official recognition and he became the face of agitation of traditional fishermen of Goa. He was the apt choice for the ministries of tourism , forests and environment….to which he would have done full justice as a honest politician…
We can’t forget that he was a teacher with an impeccable record….
These are some of his cherished memories when he had attended a CSE seminar at our campus
Firebrand leader of fisherpeople of Goa Mathany Saldanha on CRZ issues
Join me in offering a tribute to him….
A true visionary and champion of fishworkers causes and their rights. As an old colleague, I cherish the moments we spent together in the early periods of planning and formation of National Fishworkers Forum as well as the ‘protect waters protect life’ Kanyakumari march in which we were traveling together throughout the West coast of the country. My heartfelt condolences to his family and the Ramponkar movement and environmental activists in Goa…
Shocking and very sad news to all Goans,we lost a great Goan revolution leader,We all Goans salute to great leader.My condolences to his family and close friends.
A very very sad news. May his soul rest in peace. Let us carry on his wishes to save our GOA. He has been a brave soldier. Salute to Him.
May God give strength to his family to bear the burden of this loss
My salute to MS – a fearless, kind and passionate soul with whom bonding was natural… and departure of such a comrade is a great and untimely loss. My condolenses to his family and close friends.
From Earth to Earth, From Ashes to Ashes, From Dust to Dust
Mathany Saldanha should remain in our Hearts forever, we should Mourn his death together. But we should also Rise together to Fight the Mining lobby in Goa !!! A fight which Mathany was entrusted to lead, let us all be foot soldiers of Dear Mathany and together Fight MINING in GOA !!!
Sad news early morning. Mathani Saldanha was a people’s leader. A great man and a visionary. RIP Mathaniji.
Goa has lost a very strong advocate in Mataanhy’s passing away and our prayer is that we Goans live up to his dreams in protecting our beautiful Goa that he so much loved. May his wife, family and all who loved him be comforted at this difficult time.