Rajan Parrikar Photo Blog

Diwali 2011

Greetings to all on the occasion of Diwali. This year the Hindu Festival of Lights falls on October 26.

Hindu tradition admits several interpretations of Diwali. All of them project a unified theme, one of renewal and optimism, symbolizing the triumph of the human spirit over the forces of darkness. In Goa, we have historically adopted the retelling of Lord Krishna‘s slaying of the demon-king Narkasur as our motif for the occasion. See this blog entry from 2009.

These images, taken in the streets of Panjim during Narkasur Nite 2006, are among my earliest photographs as a serious photographer. Although shot at ISO 1600, they are effectively noise-free at these sizes. (The Canon EOS 5D was a landmark body in the low noise department.)

Effigy of the demon Narkasura (Panjim, Goa, 2006)

Effigy of the demon Narkasur (Panjim, Goa, 2006)
5D, 70-200L f/2.8 IS

Krishna and Narkasura in battle (Panjim, Goa, 2006)

Lord Krishna and Narkasur in battle (Panjim, Goa, 2006)
5D, 70-200L f/2.8 IS

Light after the Darkness

Let There Be Light!
5D, 70-200L f/2.8 IS

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