Another installment in our ongoing monsoon romance.
Romancing the Goan Monsoon – Take 3
by Rajan ParrikarCategories: Goa, Landscape, LifeTags: Batim, Buffalo, Canacona, Canon 5D Mark II, Cattle, Fields, Gaondongrim, Monsoon Romance, Monsoons, Rain, Vichundre, Vichundrem, Zeiss 100 f/2 Makro Planar, Zeiss 50 f/2 Makro Planar
WOW!!!!!These photos are really good.
RP, once again ….Thanks.
While I enjoyed the greenery of the rice fields, the pic of the rubber plantation is awesome for its clarity. Speaks volumes for the camera and the person behind the camera.
Thank you Rajan,
As usual superb photography.
Once again bringing Goan monsoon greenery into our homes.
Classic pictures, beautifully composed and rendered.
Wow. I love the first and the last picture a lot. Especially the last one. Wonderful expression on his face.