Rajan Parrikar Photo Blog


My father, Motilal Parrikar, completed 90 years a few days back on July 9. He was born in the village of Parra in Goa, in the ward known as Salisvaddo. The house he was born in today lies in ruins (*). Our last name takes after our village, now a paradise lost like the rest of Goa.

(*) Behind the ruins is the ancestral home of Manohar Parrikar, the ex-Chief Minister of Goa and now the Leader of the Opposition.

My father Motilal Parrikar, in Parra near the ruins of the house he was born in

My father Motilal Parrikar, in Parra near the ruins of the house he was born in 90 years ago
5D Mark II, Zeiss ZE 50 f/2 Makro Planar

As a young man...

As a young man...

...And today, at 90

...And today, at 90
5D Mark II, Zeiss ZE 100 f/2 Makro Planar

Our beautiful village of Parra this July morning

Parra, our beautiful village on this July morning
5D Mark II, Zeiss ZE 100 f/2 Makro Planar

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