Rajan Parrikar Photo Blog


In Panjim the walls feature a real hole-in-the-wall for the city’s bookworms to crawl into. This interstitial temple of learning is, as claimed, “up to date” with the latest rags, a valuable resource for the scholar of gossip.

Up-To-Date Circulating Library, Panjim

Up-To-Date Circulating Library, Panjim
5D, 24-105L

Up-to-date library in Panjim

Open for business
5D Mark II, 24-105L

Librarian-owner Ramesh Manerikar

Librarian-owner Ramesh Manerikar
5D Mark II, 24-105L


Parking lot just around the corner is unfortunately not “up to date.”

Watch out, the sky may fall!

Danger of roof (or sign) falling
5D, 24-105L

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