Rajan Parrikar Photo Blog

A Photographer is Born

My little nephew, Praharsh (Yash), insists on tagging along during my photo shoots in Goa. His company is a delightful mix of joy and mild exasperation, for he trails me like an ever-loyal shadow, mimicking my every move with uncanny precision. If I bend, he bends. If I crouch, he crouches. And, in a display of near-symbiotic coordination, if I pause for a moment of biological relief, his bladder, too, seems to rise to the occasion.

Despite this comic mimicry, I managed to capture a few candid shots of this pint-sized Dennis the Menace in action.

Yash in the field in Saligao

Babu in the field in Saligao
5D Mark II, 70-200L f/2.8 IS

Yash in the field in Saligao

Babu in the field in Saligao
5D Mark II, 70-200L f/2.8 IS

Yash in the temple at Virnoda

Babu in the temple at Virnoda
5D, 24-105L

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