My little nephew, Praharsh (Yash), insists on tagging along during my photo shoots in Goa. His company is a delightful mix of joy and mild exasperation, for he trails me like an ever-loyal shadow, mimicking my every move with uncanny precision. If I bend, he bends. If I crouch, he crouches. And, in a display of near-symbiotic coordination, if I pause for a moment of biological relief, his bladder, too, seems to rise to the occasion.
Despite this comic mimicry, I managed to capture a few candid shots of this pint-sized Dennis the Menace in action.

Babu in the field in Saligao
5D Mark II, 70-200L f/2.8 IS

Babu in the field in Saligao
5D Mark II, 70-200L f/2.8 IS

Babu in the temple at Virnoda
5D, 24-105L
Is it not great that we now have digital photography – so that young lads like Yash can more readily express themselves through the medium of photography?
All the best to him
Yash Yashasvi ho.
Got to catch them young. Good for him and you.