Remote wilderness.
At the northern boundary of Death Valley National Park in California, the mountains of the Last Chance Range ring the towering Eureka Sand Dunes, the tallest dunes in the park. Another elusive system of dunes is located in the area, the appropriately labeled Hidden Dunes. Eureka Valley is reached via a long drive on a rough gravel route.

Limestone bands, Last Chance Range
5D Mark III, 100-400L IS

Panorama (click on image for larger view)
5D Mark III, 70-200L f/2.8 IS II

Eureka Dunes seen from Last Chance Range
5D Mark III, 70-200L f/2.8 IS II

Hikers at Eureka Dunes
5D Mark III, 100-400L IS

Big Pine Road into Eureka Valley
5D Mark III, 70-200L f/2.8 IS II
[Update: It was reported today (08/27/2014) that one of Death Valley’s mysteries, that of the moving stones at Racetrack Playa, has been solved. See this and this.]