In the middle of nowhere.
Photographer Peter Lik‘s gallery in Death Valley Junction, California, photographed at dusk.
Earlier in December, I came upon this arresting scene while driving by the Amargosa Opera House and Hotel at daybreak. By the time I got my tripod and camera ready, enough daylight had ensued for the sensor-driven switches to trip and turn off the lights. Last week I found myself in the area once again and this time I was prepared.

Gallery in the desert
5D Mark III, TS-E 24L II

Gallery and the ‘haunted’ Amargosa Hotel
5D Mark III, 70-200L f/2.8 IS II
Hi Rajan!
Very nice site. New? I so enjoy your photographs and look forward to exploring this site some more!
David Eckels
(from Luminous Landscape)
Thank you for visiting and glad to have you. This blog has been around around 5 years.