Rajan Parrikar Photo Blog

The Pilot

By default, the term “pilot” in Goa refers not to someone in the cockpit of an aircraft, but to the owner and driver of a motorcycle taxi. This mode of public transportation, perhaps not found elsewhere in India, is now a relic back from the day when Goa had a civilization.

If you were going someplace solo, the pilot was a quick, convenient, affordable, and in today’s parlance, environment-friendly option. Knots of pilots are still seen in towns and villages all over Goa but their numbers have greatly dwindled. Some of the motorcycle brands I recall from my young days are: Bullet, Jawa, Yezdi.

Motorcycle pilot Menino D'Cruz of Panjim

Motorcycle pilot Menino D'Cruz of Panjim
5D Mark II, Zeiss 50mm f/2 Makro Planar

At the launchpad

At the launch pad
5D Mark II, 14L II

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