Came upon this unexpected scene in Hof, South Iceland. The little girl was oblivious to my presence as she communed with the horse. The Icelandic horse, by the way, is a very special animal, deserving of an independent post.

A tender moment – Hof
5D Mark II, 24-105L
The notes at Hofskirkja read:
The church was built in 1884, and was the last turf church built in the old style. It is one of the six churches still standing, which are preserved as historical monuments. The church is maintained by the National Museum but also serves as a parish church. The church was built by the carpenter Pál Pálsson. The lock and the hinges of the church were made by Þorsteinn Gisurarson, called “tool,” who was a well-known blacksmith. The water tub he used to cool hot iron can be seen south of the churchyard.

5D Mark II, TS-E 24L II

Frontview of Hofskirkja
5D Mark II, TS-E 24L II
Such simple and amazing pictures are rare.
Really wonderful. Beyond description.
Amazing photos of a small corner of the world. I’ve heard that Iceland is a beautiful country and this proves it; well it proves that this locale in Iceland is beautiful 🙂
Thank you! Thank you!
The photos are all amzing, you really have a eye for the subjects.