It was overcast with the promise of a squall this evening when I found myself on the banks of the Chapora river in the village of Colvale (home of the internationally known Goan fashion guru Wendell Rodricks). With the murky conditions not friendly for photography, I was about to leave when I had a chance encounter with a local fisherman who offered me a ride in his canoe. The riparian sights & sounds interspersed with banter were a great pleasure.
These photographs were taken hand-held with the TS-E 17L lens with zero Tilt and Shift – effectively serving as a 17mm manual focus prime.

Waters of the Chapora river in Colvale, Goa
5D Mark II, TS-E 17L

Sanjay, the boatman
5D Mark II, TS-E 17L
As usual superb photography from a ‘master’
Dear Rajan
I hope you managed to get a xevtto and a dodyearo from that fisherman. The first for a delicious coddi, the second sliced and crisply fried.
My mouth waters.
Xanno Moidecar
Simply amazing.Reminded me of the natural beauty of my beloved Goa.Thank you.
Beautiful. The still waters and the small canoe depict the violence in modern day development.
“Beautiful” I’m feeling homesick! Thank you.