Filled with geological wonders and haunting vistas, Death Valley National Park in California presents a fertile playground for the landscape photographer. These are a few of the outré sights on offer in Death Valley, taken during a quick jaunt at the end of April 2009.

View from Zabriskie Point at dawn
5D, EF 14L II

View from Zabriskie Point at sunrise
5D, EF 24-105L

Devil's Golf Course
5D, Tilt-Shift 45 mm

Artist's Drive
5D, EF 24-105L

Moving stones at Racetrack Playa
5D, 14L II

Red Cathedral seen from Golden Canyon
5D, EF 24-105L

Golden Canyon, late evening
5D, EF 24-105L

Dante's View at dawn
5D, EF 14L II
What a cool set of pics. I must say, Brilliant Work.
Not having ever handled a tilt-shift – wondering about Devil’s Golf Course vs. Artist’s Drive and the different choice of lenses.