Sunset in an alien world.
This July we had the unforgettable experience of finding ourselves in the middle of the Icelandic Highlands in the middle of the night. At this hour and at this latitude the quality of light coming in at a low angle is unreal. Throw in a bleak, desolate landscape and you might as well be on Tatooine.

Midnight in the Icelandic Highlands
5D Mark III, Zeiss ZE 50 f/2 MP

Möðrudalsgarður Vestari
5D Mark III, 70-200L f/2.8 IS II
Hello Rajan,
Great work of art for this Möðrudalsgarður Vestari click. If you may allow me to ask you, did u use a warm or Grad ND filter? How did you cover this dynamic range.
I am an amateur and still learning photography.
Best Regards,
These are spellbinding earthscapes, poetry of magical tranquility and the landscapes talk to you in an ancient, primeval language.
Wow ! The one with Möðrudalur is magical, I like it. And the one of the guy, what a strange fellow.
Unreal and otherworldly indeed. Special colors.
It’s awesome!